The odor of mold and mildew is your first clue that there may be a developing problem. Locating the source of the odor is not as difficult as you think. You simply have to know areas that mold loves to take hold and grow in. Below are a few of the more common spots to look.
Attic and Crawlspaces
Attics are a likely spot for mold growth since they are close to the roof. Any small leak of water can lead to mold growth. Mold requires darkness and an undisturbed location to grow well. Attics and crawlspaces tend to offer plenty of both. Check beneath insulation and areas that have had recent water damage. Check any windows and vent areas in the crawlspace. Also, check all accessible water pipes for leaks and have them repaired.
Laundry Areas
Most homes and apartments in Orange County have a dedicated area with a washer and dryer. If you are detecting a strong mildew smell from this area and it is not coming from the interior of the washer, move the appliances out from the wall. There can often be mold lurking beneath and behind the appliances.
Sinks and Cupboards
Look beneath the sink of all bathrooms, kitchen and around the tub/shower surrounds. The dark recessive corners of cupboards can also harbor the perfect environment for mold growth. Check to make sure there have been no wet towels placed in hampers or cupboards and forgotten about.
Garage and Storage Buildings
The garage of many Orange County residences is not as well insulated as the home. This means that moisture can sometimes access the area easier, which is conducive to mold growth. Storage buildings can have leaks that are not harmful to the items inside but is a way to create the moist environment mold loves.
Pools and Patios
Summers by the pool or spent basking in the sun on the patio is an Orange County tradition. These areas see a lot of moisture on a regular basis. Check the outside of the filtration hoses and beneath the patio furniture for signs of mold infestations. Anywhere that is mostly shaded and stays damp is a prime location.
Foundations and Siding
Outside areas that are frequently hit with water sprinklers and stay shaded might harbor mold. You will notice a dusting of black or dark gray spots on the surface of the foundation or siding. An Orange County mold remediation service can have it looking as good as new right away.
Call on the Orange County experts at Harbor Environmental Group for all of your mold remediation needs today!