The presence of asbestos in the workplace is unavoidable in some industries. The benefits of knowing this ahead of time can help steer you to doing a few specific things to protect your family from secondary exposure.
What is Secondary Asbestos Exposure?
Secondary exposure to asbestos happens when someone in your Los Angeles County household works around asbestos and brings fibers home on their clothes, shoes, or in their hair. Other members are then exposed to the hazardous material. It’s an unintentional hazard that could result in a fatal illness many years down the road. Asbestos rarely makes you ill right away.
Wear Protective Clothing at the Job Site
Knowing you are exposed to asbestos materials at work is much better than not knowing. You can prepare and take precautions to protect the family you love at home. Wear proper protective gear that keeps asbestos fibers out of your hair and off your clothes. Wash your hands thoroughly and shower before leaving if you have that option.
Wear a Mask at the Job Site
Protecting your lungs from exposure to asbestos is critical to staying well and not falling victim to asbestos-related illness. Wear a mask that keeps the fibers from entering your lungs or attaching to your facial skin. Wash any areas of exposed skin before you head home at the end of your day.
Change Shoes Before Walking Inside Your Home
Have a place inside your Orange County garage to change out of your work shoes. Fibers can easily stick to your shoes and end up tracked all over the interior of your home. You can also carry slippers in a plastic bag to put on outside. Place the work shoes in the trunk of your car in a separate plastic bag.
Have Your Los Angeles County Home Tested Periodically
Increase your confidence at keeping your family safe from secondary asbestos exposure by having the air and surfaces of your home tested periodically by remediation experts. Professional abatement can be done if there are fibers present. You’ll know you’ve done everything possible to keep your family safe.